Thursday, September 1, 2011

Very Pinteresting: Stair Runners

Now that the carpet has been ripped out to make room for hardwoods, I need to choose some carpet runners for the stairways and upstairs hall. As much as I'd love to leave the wood exposed in all it's glory, I just know it won't be long before lots of foot traffic scuffs them up.  Not to mention the noise factor. Have I told you how LOUD my boys are?  Good heavens, it sounds like a herd of elephants lives upstairs.

I turned to Pinterest for some inspiration, and here's a look at what I found...

This looks like it could be a good dirt-hider!

Pretty, but not practical for this family. I actually really like the rug by the door.

Can't go wrong with neutral stripes.

Source: via Carolyn on Pinterest

Source: via

Love this one!!

Personally I couldn't commit to the green, but I still think it's pretty cool.

So... do you have stair runners?  What's your preference... plush, natural fiber, striped, geometric? I'd love to know!

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  1. Because I'm a Home Stager, I see a lot of very worn out stair runners! I've noticed that the ones that hold up the best are the sisal (like the first one shown) or sisal mixed with some kind of synthetic (to make them a bit softer underfoot). The dirt seems to fall into the holes, rather than embed itself into the carpet and break it down....(don't know if I'm explaining this properly!). Love to see how people decorate the walls in their stairwells, too!

  2. I actually love all of these, but agree the green is a bit much. I don't think you can go wrong here! How fun for you!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  3. Love stairway runners! I'll zip you a link to some GORGEOUS ones I found!
    Thank you for popping by this morning!
    Kerry at

  4. Hey Karen!! So good to be back in blogland, I wish I could stay on my comp all day but reality beckons and I have so much to do, but not without first telling you how great this post is! So many beauties, the one you said you loved I also love and the first one. Many great ideas here!! Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. I wanted to do this a few years back and it was sooooo expensive! If you find a good source for the sisel and it is reasonable, please share on your blog!

  6. Hi Carolyn!
    I am so glad you posted these staircases. I have been wanting to paint and lighten the stairs in the back hall. So dark there and was wanting some visual inspiration!
    You did the homework for me.
    Great post!

  7. Love the stairway runners! Thanks for this great post!

    'Please visit our new website'

  8. Carolyn -
    Good research! I have spent two days this week looking for rugs for a client. My rug guy says to be careful because it's easy to fall on a sisal with a very large weave. I have an olifin that looks just like sisal that is great. Five years old and like brand new.
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  9. Home redo are so difficult when you are having to live in the house while you are doing it. I feel your pain on the delayed floors and the added expensive, yikes! I'm still voting for no carpet on the stairs but on course I only had one quiet daughter living there! I love my bare stairs. Thanks so much for stopping by our blog, sorry you missed getting a cottage in Charlevoix! If you find yourself up there next summer let me know, would love to have coffee or tea with a fellow blogger. I'l be your newest follower, thanks, Laura

  10. I have just started following your boards and am going to repin those stair pictures-they are fabulous!
    Thanks so much for linking this up to my Pinning & Singing Party.I hope you will be able to join in again this weekend!

    If you have time to pop by for a visit, I have started a Pinning Blogger's Master List that you might want to check out.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me.

  11. This is a neat post....I have thought about stair runners recently. However, with two boys and a dog I fear them to get dirty. I am not a fan of a lot of carpeting. I love the look though, lots of choices here. Have a great weekend.

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